
Purple Heart Wood Flooring

Purple Heart Wood Flooring


purple heart


Uses: Despite its high price compared to other materials, the durable qualities of Purpleheart wood make it one of the most weather resistant woods available and as such it has a wide range of uses. Also known as Peltogyne wood, other common uses for Purpleheart wood include:

Heavy outdoor work

Bridge construction

Accumulation of fresh water

Works at quay


Home construction & Furniture

Gym equipment


Tool handles

boat building


Pool tables

General Description: The general qualities of Purpleheart are described below. Color: As the name suggests, Purpleheart heartwood is a deep purple-purple color when freshly cut, maturing to a dark brown. Weight: The weight varies from 800 to 1000 kg/m³ (50 to 63 lb/ft³) with an average of 860 kg/m³ (54 lb/ft³).

Species - Crimson Heart

Species Information

Purpleheart, formerly known as Peltogyne, is a group of 23 species of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. In terms of wood, Purpleheart is considered extremely dense and water resistant. Purpleheart is prized for its inlay work, woodturning, cabinetry, flooring and furniture. Overall, you'll usually see Purpleheart used in smaller projects (like inlay work) because it's quite expensive. Appearance

Purpleheart is prized for its breathtaking heartwood, which when cut quickly turns from a light brown to a rich purple color. The grain of Purpleheart is usually straight, but it can also sometimes be wavy or irregular. Handling

If you choose to work with Purpleheart, chances are you'll encounter some unique challenges along the way. If wood is heated with dull tools, or if cutting speeds are too high, Purpleheart can release a gummy resin that will clog tools and slow the machining process. Also, depending on grain orientation, Purpleheart can be difficult to plane without tearing. Most species of Purpleheart do not contain a characteristic odor, although some species are known to have a pungent odor.


Despite its vast natural range and 23 different species, recent surges in popularity in this new millennium have led to isolated cases of "near-extinction" levels of tree population reduction in several parts of America. center where it grows.

# Video | Purple Heart Wood Flooring

Youtube video
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  • Purple Laminate Flooring
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# Images | Purple Heart Wood Flooring - Purple Heart Wood Flooring Price

Purpleheart - Solid Wood Flooring

Purple Heart Wood Flooring - Purple Heart Tree 1 Save

Bloodwood Flooring - Purpleheart

Purple Heart Wood Flooring - Purple Flooring 2 Save
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