
Best Barber Vietnam 2022

Best Barber Vietnam 2022

Best Barber Vietnam 2022 Hidden Round - The country's all-round barber arena

The playground brings together hundreds of talented barbers across the country

Blowing a new breeze in the world of barbers nationwide, the first round of Best Barber Vietnam 2022 officially took place on May 23, called Hidden Face. Among hundreds of famous barbers across the country, the Jury Board selected the 60 most talented contestants to be divided into 6 teams to continue training, aiming for the highest position - Vietnam Best Barber Champion 2022. Journalist Hoang Manh Ha - Head of the organizing committee of Best Barber Vietnam 2022 sharing on the program

Diamond sponsor CEO Manh Nguyen speaks at Best Barber Vietnam 2022 "Hidden" event

Before entering the competition, Best Barber Vietnam 2022 was keen to reward the decision to appoint judges - powerful advisers for experts. Powerful Judges Evaluate Technique and Creativity of Contestants Participating in Best Barber Vietnam 2022 Hidden Contest

The jury evaluates fairly to find the brightest talents

The powerful green card awarded to the best entries. Competitors who receive more than one green card are entitled to choose their preferred coaching team

With dramatic and fiery competitions, enthusiastic comments and sharing, the first round of Best Barber Vietnam ended successfully.

Revealing 6 Powerful Faces On The Hot Seat Of Best Barber Vietnam 2022

6 powerful faces in the hot seat of the Best Barber Vietnam 2022

Best Barber Vietnam 2022 with an attractive storyline and bringing together many talented stars in the industry Northern Barber promises to bring surprises to this season's competitive competition. Best Barber Vietnam 2022 is sponsored by 3 famous brands in the barber world nationwide, which are Manh Nguyen - the best scissors and clippers supplier in Vietnam and 2 famous CEOs in the barber world, CEOs Thank you Barber and Mr CEO Phong BvB co-sponsored Gold for this year's contest. CEO Phong BvB - Gold sponsor and also the powerful judge of the first season of Best Barber Vietnam 2022 with proven talent and reputation in the world of barbers, also promises to bring the most talented and best barbers for this event .

# Video | Best Barber Vietnam 2022

  • Barber Average Salary in Vietnam 2022

# Images | Best Barber Vietnam 2022 - Barber Average Salary in Vietnam 2022

Barber Average Salary in Vietnam 2022 - Barber Average Salary in Vietnam 2022

Best Barber Vietnam 2022 - Barber Average Salary in Vietnam 2022 1 Save

Barber Average Salary in Vietnam 2022 - Barber Average Salary in Vietnam 2022

Best Barber Vietnam 2022 - Barber Average Salary in Vietnam 2022 2 Save


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