
On Wet Floors The Safest Way To Walk Is To

On Wet Floors The Safest Way To Walk Is To


Case Study An employer recognized that he had problems with slips and trips on the wet floors of a hospital. In two years, 100 staff members reported slips or trips on wet, recently cleaned floors. Since the employer implemented the system, they have seen an 85% reduction in slips and trips from the 100 reported in the previous two years. If floors remain wet after cleaning, prevent anyone from walking on them until they are dry and use the correct cleaning methods and products. Make sure your flooring is suitable or that floors that are likely to get wet are of a type that doesn't get too slippery. STEP is a great introduction to slips and trips, how they are caused, why it is important to prevent them, and how to deal with them. It includes easy to follow tips, case studies, videos, animations and quizzes. HSE skids and trips Napo in... no laughing matter

Most slips occur when floors are wet or contaminated, and many trips are due to poor housekeeping. and travel is the most common cause of workplace injuries. On average, they cause more than a third of all serious injuries and can lead to other types of accidents, such as falls from heights or falls into machinery. there is public access, such as hospitals, shops and restaurants. must control them.


Common Causes: How Slips, Trips, and Falls Injuries Happen in Every Business

For Kendzior, every business is at risk of slips, trips and falls. If you must use floor mats, Kendzior recommends:

Buy the right kind of rug

Make sure the mat is safety certified

Replace them when they get wet

Slippery Floors: Small Spills Lead to Big Spills

Slippery floors are another major fall hazard. This includes falls from ladders, down stairs or on a construction site. This includes falls from ladders, down stairs or on a construction site.

# Video | On Wet Floors The Safest Way To Walk Is To

  • Advancing social justice, promoting decent work
  • Floor Safety: Reduce Slip, Trip, and Fall Risks in Your Business
  • Hazards to Watch Out for Around the House

# Images | On Wet Floors The Safest Way To Walk Is To


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