Mushroom Floor Stardew
Where To Get Purple Mushrooms In Stardew Valley
Purple Mushrooms can be found in Ginger Island's Mushroom Cave, Farm Cave, Mines (mostly from level 81 onwards), and Tree Farm during the Fall Season. Although they may not look like something you would want to eat, purple mushrooms are actually quite good for healing purposes (as opposed to red mushrooms). In a later game, you will also be able to find purple mushrooms on Ginger Island. In the regular mines you'll find north of town, you'll need to reach at least level 81 before the purple mushrooms can start spawning. The chances of finding purple shrooms are random, but chances are you'll find one sooner or later if you keep exploring. Those who want to be able to forage for more food can choose the Forest Farm, where purple mushrooms can sometimes grow. Keep in mind that if you decide to go this route, purple mushrooms will only grow on your farm in the fall. Purple mushrooms in less common placesWhile the areas I mentioned above are the most likely to meet your needs (and the best places to get lots of these mushrooms), there are a few other ways to get your hands on some purple mushrooms. Cut down a Mushroom Tree: Until you unlock Mushroom Tree Seeds, Mushroom Trees may appear infrequently. Dumpster Diving: Once you've defeated the mines, you'll start finding purple mushrooms in the dumpsters from time to time. Using purple mushrooms, chanterelle mushrooms, red mushrooms and morels, you can make an elixir that will heal 89 health points and 200 energy points. Offer Purple Mushrooms
If you're looking to befriend other villagers, purple mushrooms can be a useful tool for doing so. Ultimately, purple mushrooms are best for befriending the local wizard, Rasmodius. There are a few other villagers who may not like purple mushrooms, but they do. Compared to other mushrooms you can find in the game, purple mushrooms are by far the most valuable.
Purple Mushroom
Usually, if you've spent any time in the mines, you'll come across a mushroom floor which will contain red and purple mushrooms (usually found in basement 80). And I really wish you hadn't cut down that mushroom tree D: because instead of cutting them down, you can attach a tapper to them like a normal tree, and instead of sap, it will give you mushrooms!Navigation
Look forSearch range: 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years 10 years
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Krobus Sewer Shop Stock Partial inventory list for Krobus that sells items in the Sewers. Results can be browsed by week or searched using a case-insensitive substring (regex wildcards are allowed).
Search range: 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years 10 years
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Sandy's Oasis Shop Stock Partial inventory list for Sandy who sells items in the Oasis Shop. Results can be browsed by week or searched using a case-insensitive substring (regex wildcards are allowed).
Search range: 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years 10 years
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Pierre and Joja's Wallpaper This calendar shows the prediction of wallpaper and flooring items available at Pierre's General Store and Joja Mart. << Previous year < Previous week Reset calendar Next week > Next year >>
Geode Processing Predicted results of cracking all types of geodes at Clint's Blacksmith Shop. Look for
Search range: 100 geodes 200 geodes 500 geodes 1000 geodes
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Train timetables This timetable displays scheduled train appearances on the railway map. << Previous year < Previous month Reset calendar Next month > Next year >>
Crane Game This timeline shows the presence of Stardew Valley's worst villain, the man in the green shirt who hogs the Crane Game at the movies. << Previous 100 < Previous 20 Reset navigation Next 20 > Next 100 >>
Mine Chests As of version 1.5, one of the advanced startup options allows random loot from mine reward chests.
# Video | Mushroom Floor Stardew

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- Stardew Valley 1.5 Update Patch Notes
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Mushroom Floor Stardew Ginger Island
Stardew Valley: Secret Notes And Journal Scraps Guide
Journal Notes were added in Update 1.5, and unlike Secret Notes, they are logged by a single, unknown sailor. Find Secret Notes and Journal NotesYou can find secret notes by mining rocks, digging up artifact points, killing enemies, and smashing resource clusters (or the giant purple meteorite you sometimes see in Pelican Town). Keep working on your farm and exploring Ginger Island, and you'll eventually collect a total of 25 Secret Notes and 11 Journal Pieces. Secret Note #6
The sixth note contains special Stardrop Saloon orders from some villagers, implying that these dishes are their favorites: Autumn's Booty for the Mayor, Pumpkin Pie for Marnie, and Bean Hotpot for Demetrius. Secret Notes #10-25 contain clues that can help you locate some treasures or messages with some useful facts about the game:
Secret Note #10
The tenth secret note shows an encrypted message that reads, "Someone is waiting for you at level 100 in the skull cave."
The Skull Cavern is a seemingly bottomless dungeon teeming with dangerous monsters. Secret Note #15
The fifteenth secret note contains the text "Mermaid Show: 1-5-4-2-3".
This message is a password that involves the night market mermaid show; an event held every winter 15, 16 and 17. Secret Note #18
Again, the eighteenth note shows a treasure map that reveals the location of another Strange Doll but with a different color.
Mushroom Floor Stardew Volcano
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"Dirt" or "Stone")If the tile is "digigable" with tools
The tile's sprite sheet index number (used to identify "Career" tiles or to set up a custom tile mapping)
Spawn fodder and respawn stumps on the farm:
"ForageSpawnEnabled": true,
"LargeObjectSpawnEnabled": true,
Randomly spawn new logs and rocks on the farm:
"LargeObjectSpawnEnabled": true,
"Large_Object_Spawn_Settings": {
"Areas": [
"Types of objects": [
"Log", "Rock"
"FindExistingObjectLocations": false,
"PercentExtraSpawnsPerSkillLevel": 0,
"RelatedSkill": "Search",
"CardName": "Close",
"Minimum number of appearances per day": 0,
"Maximum number of appearances per day": 2,
"IncludeTerrainTypes": ["Grass", "Dirt", "Diggable"]
Spawn ore in a specific area of the Ashen Sap Forest:
"OreSpawnEnabled": true,
"Ore_Spawn_Settings": {
"Areas": [
"MiningLevelRequired": null,
"StartingSpawnChance": null,
"LevelTenSpawnChance": null,
"MapName": "Forest",
"Minimum number of appearances per day": 1,
"Maximum number of appearances per day": 5,
"IncludeTerrainTypes": [],
"Exclude land types": [],
"IncludeCoordinates": [ "65.22/74.27" ]
Generate LOTS of fodder on the farm, but not near the house:
"ForageSpawnEnabled": true,
"Forage_Spawn_Settings": {
"Areas": [
"SpringItemIndex": null,
"SummerItemIndex": null,
"FallItemIndex": null,
"WinterItemIndex": null,
"CardName": "Close",
"Minimum number of appearances per day": 9999,
"Maximum number of appearances per day": 9999,
"IncludeTerrainTypes": [ "All" ],
"Exclude land types": [],
"IncludeCoordinates": [],
"ExcludeCoordinates": [ "69,17;57,10" ]
Spawn modified plants at the top, but only after rainy days and after year 1:
"ForageSpawnEnabled": true,
"Forage_Spawn_Settings": {
"Areas": [
"SpringItemIndex": [ "Juniper berry", "Mint" ],
"SummerItemIndex": [ "Juniper berry", "Mint" ],
"FallItemIndex": [ "Juniper berry", "Mint" ],
"WinterItemIndex": null,
"MapName": "Vertex",
"Minimum number of appearances per day": 4,
"Maximum number of appearances per day": 8,
"IncludeTerrainTypes": [ "All" ],
"Exclude land types": [],
"IncludeCoordinates": [],
"ExcludeCoordinates": [],
"StrictTileChecking": "High",
"Additional conditions": {
"Years": [ "2+" ],
"Seasons": [],
"Days": [],
"WeatherYesterday": [ "Rain", "Storm" ],
"The weather today": [],
"WeatherTomorrow": [],
"LimitedNumberOfSpawns": null
allows players and modders to generate customizable features from each of Stardew's farm types. If any of your other mods come with "[FTM]" folders, they will automatically use Farm Type Manager to generate custom content.1.2.from the Files tab, GitHub releases page, or ModDrop the Stardew Valley/Mods folder. If you have other mods that require Farm Type Manager, then you're set! If you want to customize the Farm Type Manager settings yourself, see the instructions below. Mod settings are updated every morning. To learn more about creating content packs for this mod, see the Content Packs section of the GitHub readme. This mod adds the following commands to the SMAPI console: The command.
Mushroom Floor Stardew 1.5
Stardew Valley Cheats And Console Commands (V1.5)
But our Stardew Valley cheat guide will tell you how to eliminate all these limitations, from pause time to item crafting, from insta-complete quests to unlimited money - and much more. Stardew Valley cheat - with modsBy far the best way to enable all kinds of cheats in your Stardew Valley game is to use two specific mods: the CJB Cheats Menu and the CJB Item Spawner. How to Use CJB Mods to Enable Stardew Valley Cheats
Now you can press 'p' at any time during your game to open a dedicated Stardew Valley cheat menu, which will allow you to activate all kinds of wonderful cheats such as:
Infinite health and energy
Increased movement speed
Pause time / break resume
Instantly Complete Quests
Change relationships with NPCs
Change the weather
And much more! Gold Spring Onions Cheat
Gold Grade Spring Onions are a premium item in Stardew Valley, granting greater health and energy boosts when consumed, or selling for significantly more silver if you don't choose to keep them for personal use.
# Images | Mushroom Floor Stardew
Rogue Heroes Ruins of Tasos – A broken Gem