Dreaming Of Broken Glass On The Floor
Dreams About Broken Glass
To dream of broken glass could be an indicator of broken promises, negativity in your waking life, disappointments, broken dreams, and many other unfulfilled things. Some ancient, occult-focused dream books believe that dreams are prophetic, in that broken glass can mean that you feel like something is broken in your life and you are trying to fix things. . Just like in life, when you break things, it is not on purpose and there is nothing profitable that comes out of that particular action and so, the same goes for broken glasses in dreams. It could also be a reflection of repentance after saying something hurtful to someone and therefore, you are ready to apologize and eating broken glass in your dream is a way of saying you are sorry. Some broken glass dreams are trivial and indicate the processing of daily events, but in some cases you should pay attention to broken glass dreams when they are related to how you feel inside. however, I believe that most "broken glasses" can represent our own emotions and how we feel.Dreams About Broken Glass – Interpretation And Meaning
The most common meanings of glass in dreams are protection and passive living. Glass is used as a sort of boundary that you have established around yourself, and if the glass you are looking through or around you is not clean, it means you are seeing things the wrong way. This dream can also represent changes, just like the hourglass is turning around, your life could be too. Maybe you have felt stuck in your life, with no way out, and dreaming about braking the glass could mean that you are finally going to be free. If you are keeping your emotions inside and not really expressing them, then dreaming of curbing the glass signifies that you are going to overcome those emotions, or maybe get that big rock from your heart. If you see glass in your dream that has been broken, it represents some kind of expectation you had that didn't come true, or expectations that won't come true. Connected to glass, we dream of broken mirrors. Overall, dreaming of broken glass is not a good sign. So, broken glass in our dreams brings bad news.Dream Of Broken Glass
Dream of broken glass in your mouthIf in the dream the broken glass is in your or someone else's mouth, it means that the feeling is related to something that was said. Dream about broken cell phone glass
When the dream shows us a broken cell phone glass, it means that the feeling is related to something material that you are missing. So, the dream that shows this broken glass shows that the person wants to change, to add something to his essence.
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Dreams About Broken Glass – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreams About Broken Glass
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