Charli Breaks The Floor
Charli Breaks The Floor (2021)
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With her hair in a low ponytail and dressed in a white crop top and sneakers, Kaitlyn Constantino '21 dances in front of a dance studio mirror, as she does for hours every week. And second, she dances alongside Tik Tok star Charli D'Amelio (dubbed "the hottest person on the internet right now"), with a camera streaming her every move to thousands of viewers across the world. world. Constantino was one of the few dancers chosen by D'Amelio to dance alongside him in his virtual dance class, "Charli Beaks the Floor." The class worked almost like a modern Jane Fonda workout; in short, a group of teenagers - including D'Amelio and Constantino - learn a dance while viewers around the world can do the same from their own living rooms. "When you're learning virtually, it's kind of cool because nobody's watching you," Constantino said. "It was cool to see everyone discovering her because I always knew she was a really cool person," Constantino said. "It's such a variety because no two dance styles are alike, so you can experiment with all kinds of things and they're all really cool in their own way," Constantino said. "They all taught me really important things about being myself and loving myself and kind of accepting who you are because there's a lot of comparisons in the dance world. ."With college looming on the horizon, Constantino has had plenty of time to think about what her next few years as a dancer will be like. "At the moment I don't know what I had to do in terms of how long I want to dance," Constanino said. "[…] I don't know if I want to be more serious in the dance world or just more for fun."
Whatever ability Constantino decides to pursue in dance, social media remains a growing community for dancers. With classes like "Charli Breaks the Floor" and catchy Tik Tok dances, allowing more people to post dance videos online, the dance world is changing. "I think social media is such an amazing platform to share your passion for dance because you can post any style and everyone can see it and it's a really fun way to show who you are. you are through the dance," Constantino said.
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Charli D'Amelio Cries Over How Chase Hudson Drama Played Out
According to screenshots captured by TikTokRoom, the drama unfolded on social media after D'Amelio, in a since-deleted tweet, wrote, "Hope she was worth it. Hudson, 18 years, replied with a since-deleted tweet, writing, "all this drama is happening because I kissed Nessa when we were both single," in reference to fellow TikTok star Nessa Barrett bashing Hudson for having 'deviated' and not taking 'accountability' for his actions. It breaks my heart to see the people I love being hated," D'Amelio said on Instagram Live while choking. D'Amelio also addressed Barrett directly, saying, "I'm sorry you're getting hate. As for Hudson, D'Amelio said, 'Chase, I'm really sorry you're getting hate. D'Amelio also noted that she still loves Chase "from the bottom of her heart, no matter what happened." "I think it's very important for you to know that you should never hate anyone for their mistakes," D'Amelio said. GET THE NEWSLETTER AND Email By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy PolicyRELATED CONTENT:
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Charli Breaks The Floor Videos
Charli Breaks The Floor
Score TMDb 70 NR 45 min Music, TV movieJoin Charli D'Amelio and her friends on a live stream as they take a class at Break The Floor Studios!
Charli Breaks The Floor Contemporary
About Us
You can find our state-of-the-art 7,800 square foot facility at 314 Gill Street in Alcoa, where we offer our students four dance studio rooms, a lobby, reception area, vending machines, homework area and viewing monitors for Parents. Each of our four dance studios includes a floating dance floor (essential to prevent injury), professional dance bars, wall mirrors and stereo equipment with tempo control.# Images | Charli Breaks The Floor
Charli D'Amelio Cries Over How Chase Hudson Drama Played Out
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